
FLÖTOTTO - Company

Who we are

FLÖTOTTO has stood for tradition and good design in furniture construction since 1907. Our many years of experience and our love of design are the foundations of our work and continue to shape our products to this day.

Education is and remains at the heart of what we do. We understand that the environment in which learning takes place has a major influence on learning success. Today, we are a relevant development partner for school authorities and are in daily contact with the responsible teachers in the respective schools. Together, we set up flexible, age-appropriate educational spaces for intensive interaction between learners and teachers. The living and learning spaces we develop improve learning success and, together with the architecture, also have a positive impact on the local school environment.

What distinguishes FLÖTOTTO's room concepts from other school furniture manufacturers?

To summarize: the content and physical quality. With the learning spaces and areas designed by FLÖTOTTO, we want to promote human development and work together with school authorities and teachers on solutions that support learning in a meaningful way. We want to inspire action, experimentation and amazement and promote joy and community in schools. Our new concepts for learning spaces and open learning areas support children and young people in an age-appropriate way, from playful learning in the lower grades to deep learning.

FLÖTOTTO - Company

Have we sparked your interest?

Flötotto ist Ihr Partner für die Entwicklung von Lernumgebungen.
Wir entwickeln umfassende Lernraumkonzepte für die Schulen von morgen.

Voller Service:
Wir unterstützen Sie von der ersten Bedarfsanalyse (Phase 0), über die Planung zusammen mit Ihren Architekten bis zur Lieferung und Installation in Ihrer Schule. Wir bleiben Ihr erster Ansprechpartner bis zum Abschluss des Projekts und noch Jahre danach.

Comprehensive collection:
We furnish your school from kindergarten to classrooms and open-space landscapes, art rooms, music rooms, STEM, canteens, staff rooms and outdoor facilities. All in a uniform design language, with maximum flexibility, ergonomics and exceptionally high quality.

Our experience:
Thanks to our collaboration with architects, school authorities and schools, we have extensive know-how and experience in the implementation of learning space projects.

FLÖTOTTO - Company

How to find us:

Our sales and consulting team will be happy to help you at any time. We look forward to your inquiry.

Just get in touch with us!

FLÖTOTTO - Company