
active flag 0

The ACTIVE flag is an accessory for our ACTIVE boxes 1 and 2.
The steel column is simply inserted into an upright 2-seater box through a plastic connector.
Short information for the students can be written on the whiteboard.

active flag 0
active flag 0
Recommended application

Accessories ACTIVE boxes


The flagpole is inserted into the upright ACTIVE BOX 2 through the plastic connector.


Steel column made of 50 mm round tube, powder-coated in colour. Whiteboard flag (450 mm - 350 mm) made of white through-coloured polycarbonate, attached to tubular steel upright with a high-gloss finish. Finished with solid round wooden ablation (ash).


05 Snow white (RAL 9002 / NCS S 1002-G50Y)

Dimensions / Weight

H 2150 x W 500 x H 50 mm

Weight 6.1 kg


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