Übersicht Stories

Flötotto Stories

The Flötotto Stories is a collection of articles, conversations, developments and pictures.
It is about schools, products, developments and design.

FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories

Are you still a school furniture manufacturer?

On self-perception in a changing world. Frederik Flötotto, CEO Flötotto Einrichtungssysteme GmbH

FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories

Louisenlund Foundation. Learning without classrooms.

On the end of traditional classroom schools and the courage to rethink education from the perspective of learning.

Interview with Dr. Peter Rösner, director of the Louisenlund Foundation.

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Hard on the outside, softer inside.

An interview with architect Prof. Ansgar Lamott on Gießen-Ost comprehensive school: A modern, protective structure for an open, stimulating, and free learning environment.

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How space and furnishings enhance collaboration.

Dr. Frank Reuber, principal of Gießen East comprehensive school, discusses transparent classrooms, flexible learning landscapes, and the impact of modern school architecture on teaching and learning.

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Secondary school Langenhagen: School architecture in transition

From the cluster concept to sustainable construction—an interview with Prof. Gernot Schulz and the team of gernot schulz : architektur, Cologne, on future-ready school buildings and the challenges of modern educational architecture.

FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories

We develop spaces and atmospheres that promote learning.

Spatial openness offers the opportunity to make the school day more dynamic and adaptable. The well-being and enthusiasm for learning among students improve. Everyone feels more relaxed.

Commentary by Michael Weinholzner

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Flötotto experience centre the netherlands / hummelo

In beautiful Hummelo (NL), a new, unique location has been created where we bring our passion for education to life in the Netherlands. Of course, we know that people often associate us with big, fancy showrooms. But our work is about something completely different: people! We have created a place for listening, dialogue and communication. Here we have found a gem where we have the necessary time and tranquillity to listen carefully to you, understand your wishes and needs and only then start planning your new school interior, which is absolutely people-centred. Together with Sabine Smolders and her team, we are now your point of contact in Holland when it comes to sustainable and future-proof learning environments. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

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FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories
FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories
FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories
FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories

It is no longer enough to put tables and chairs in rooms.

The pure teaching and assessment of testable knowledge can no longer be the core task of schools. An interview with Frederik Flötotto.

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Future Learning

Future Learning are the learning spaces of tomorrow. At Flötotto, we are constantly looking at the new educational content. Just as educational concepts are constantly renewed, we also continue to develop our furniture. Because our furniture actively supports students and teachers in their work.

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Foundation Louisenlund boarding school, high school IB world school

The diversity of learning, how tradition and change play together: A visit to Louisenlund by the junior level.

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The room as a teacher

The diversity of learning, how tradition and change play together: A visit to Louisenlund by the junior level.

FLÖTOTTO - Übersicht Stories

Teacher training course, Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt am Main.

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