
#484846, #FFFFFF, #BBBBBB, #A39D92
active tray
active tray
active tray
active tray

The ACTIVE Tray, a practical tray for our ACTIVE upholstered elements.
A storage surface for drinks or notes.
The folded edge of the tray creates a useful handle, making it easy to take the tray to the next seat.

active tray
active tray
active tray
active tray
Recommended application

Storage tray for ACTIVE upholstered seats.


2 mm sheet steel, folded with rounded corners and recessed grip, powder-coated


Tray colour selection:
05 Snow white (RAL 9002 / NCS S 1002-G50Y)
09 Granite grey (RAL 7037 / NCS S 5000-N)
06 Graphite black (RAL 9005 / NCS S 9000-N)
73 Warm grey (NCS S5005-Y20R)


Width 360 x depth 300 mm

Weight 2.3 kg


The ACTIVE tray can be stacked.
There are two felt dots on the underside to prevent slipping on the upholstered surface.
The felt also serves as stacking protection.

Data sheet

Further product details can be found in the data sheet:

Colour selection
active tray
Snow white
Snow white
active tray
Granite grey
Granite grey
active tray
Graphite black
Graphite black
active tray
Warm grey
Warm grey

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